There are some countries with a long term low economic growth and low bank rates.
In this category we can include Japan and Singapore.
There are countries in which companies and investors implement active foreign business expansion and actively explore new markets for investing in.
This is the US, Canada, UK, China (especially in the aspect of logistic infrastructure within a Great Silk Way project).
There are some countries with a long term history of non-stability, economical and political uncertainty, such as Russia and other countries of the former USSR. Investors of these countries have interests to invest a part of their funds to more stable markets with the perspectives of growing value.
In some countries, like Germany, France and some others, companies encountered high costs and risks of decreasing their competitiveness and looking for countries where they can invest funds to industrial property development, as for profit, such as for the future possible usage for their own business purposes.
Investors of these countries can express their interest in development projects of different categories, such as commercial property development, as well as residential property development.
Active marketing and making offers to investors in different countries can help to attract all needed resources to realize development projects of different categories and budgets.