What can we do for You and Your business:
Consider investment opportunities in growing markets.
Use a smart investment model. Increase ROI.
Let’s choose a property that completely fits your business.
Try the extended selling method.
Sell for international investors. It works.
Consider the attraction of international investors to finance a project or to sell spaces.

What services we provide

Comprehensive projects and integrated solutions in commercial estate scope - for You
Search and selection of commercial real estate for the purpose of acquisition according to specified requirements:
Business purpose
Electrical capacity
Surrounding infrastructure requirements
See details
Search and selection of commercial real estate for acquisition for investment purposes, according to specified requirements:
Rental profitability
ROI for a certain investment
Requirements to liquidity
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Selling commercial estate facilities;
Selling for international investors / buyers.
See details
We find and attract money for development projects
See details
What's going on in the market in the 5-years period
The facts are following:
  • Actual development trends:

    Logistic development as a consequence of online commerce growth;

    Data centers development as a consequence of digitizing;

    Industrial parks as a trend to localization.

  • Main actual troubles in a real estate market:

    Dwelling affordability crisis;

    Dwelling prices and rental rates crisis;

    Causes: Immigration crisis, disbalance of tourist flows, high inflation.

  • Conclusion:

    Thus, the data and facts show that investing in developing markets with the effect of low base can provide a higher profitability with moderate risks.

..... and a few additional data:
  • 2%
    Min vacancies
    Paris, France
  • 16%
    Max vacancies
    Dublin, Ireland
  • 6%
    Share of construction in GDP in EU
  • 50%
    Share of SMEs in GDP in EU
We are working within an extended format of real estate
digital proxy broker:
    We interact with buyers and investors in different countries.
    Commercial real estate buyer or investor purchase profit.
    Thus, a buyer or investor can be from any country.
    We interact with buyers, who purchase commercial facilities for their business purposes.
    And we interact with investors, who are oriented on ROI in their purchasing decisions.
    Our service interacts and cooperates with real estate agents of buyers.
    Real estate agents can be from any country.
    As well, our service interacts and cooperates with real estate agents of sellers and developers.
    We offer real estate facilities for purchasing, situated in several countries. Thus, real estate agents can be from any country.
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    When we deal with foreign buyers (“foreign” for country of purchasing), in each country of real estate purchasing we attract local licensed realtors for deals assistance.
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    For local real estate agencies we are acting as a marketing agent, attracting buyers.
    We deal with sellers and developers in different countries directly or with mediation of real estate brokers.
    The list of countries, where we offer to purchase commercial real estate properties, is wide.
  • Wider than brokerage:

    Our services are extra than just frameworks of classical realty brokerage:
    Extended real estate services & comprehensive solutions.

    Classical brokerage is just a simple mediation between a seller and a buyer.
  • What we do:

    Project management of transformation of purchased assets on the stage of purchasing, real estate management,
    defining the optimal legal structure of ownership, organizing a full legal and accounting assistance within and after purchasing.
  • After purchasing:

    Defining the best format of selling,
    organizing the following selling process.
  • Right invest target:

    Asset transformation on the stage of acquisition means that we search for purchasing for the clients only those assets that fit for their improvement and capital gain.
  • Extra than standard:

    Extended real estate services and comprehensive solutions,
    Private investment management,
    Capital gain management,
    Project management with property assets, property management,
    Legal and accounting assistance organizing.
  • Models of acquisition:

    Depend on the goals of investments we can offer different models of ownership of the property:
    • Your new local company,
    • Your current company
    • Newly established REIT
    • Other variants
    + legal entity management, property management, legal and accounting support
Our vision of the market
Fast development of new technologies changes the commercial estate market.
This market can not be like decades ago, it will change and will develop under the influence of technological trends, mostly AI, big data and embedded reality.
All marketing and economical data will be totally transparent to buyers, sellers and investors of this market.
Investors will not be satisfied with a 4-6% annual return. They will be finding extended investment models and opportunities to maximize profitability of their real estate assets.
And we will seek technological solutions to make investments in this market maximum efficient.
Let's think wider. We should consider technological trends
Our business approach in service providing
  • Profitability - first

    When we search for a commercial estate for our client, we seek for profitability and explore profitability aspects of a certain real estate.
    When we sell a certain commercial estate, we sell figures of profitability or a real potential of a profitability.
  • Full economical data

    For defining a real profitability of a certain property, a buyer, or investor should have real data about a certain property. This data includes nearby pedestrian and car traffic data, number of inhabitants who live and work in a certain location, price dynamic of this and surrounding properties for the last 10 years, and other data.
    Without this data selling and purchasing of commercial estate is similar to playing in a casino.
  • Market without borders

    We advertise, promote and sell commercial estate online, for clients in different countries.
    Investors buy profit, the place does not matter.
    It's not reasonable to limit sales with a local market.
  • Object as a Project selling model

    Yes, professional investors can assess the perspectives and economic potential of a certain commercial estate property.
    But if we, as a broker, will sell a certain facility as a project, opening all advantages and perspectives, we can sell faster and on more profitable terms for a seller.
  • Extended investment model

    Within acquisition of an average commercial property, an investor can expect 4-6% rental profitability. Packing an investment into a comprehensive investment project can increase rental profitability.
  • Maximum digitizing = time saving

    Online tour can save at least 3 hours for a buyer. If a buyer is from another country, it helps to save 2 days.
    Providing maximum information about selling commercial estate property lets reduce time for making decisions about real estate acquisition.
We provide integrated solutions in fast transforming economy.

Let's make investments in commercial estate such profitable, like investments in hi-tech.

With less risks......